Credit Unions, Federally Chartered
This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting members' share deposits in cooperatives that are organized to offer consumer loans to their members. These institutions are chartered by the federal government.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting deposits and granting withdraws, making commercial, institutional, and consumer loans, and other customer financial transactions. These institutions are chartered by the federal government.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting deposits and granting withdraws, making commercial, institutional, and consumer loans, and other customer financial transactions. These institutions are chartered by any one of the states, the District of Columbia, or territories.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting time deposits, making mortgage and real estate loans, and investing in high-grade securities. These institutions are chartered by the federal government.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting time deposits, making mortgage and real estate loans, and investing in high-grade securities. These institutions are not chartered by the federal government.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting members' share deposits in cooperatives that are organized to offer consumer loans to their members. These institutions are chartered by the federal government.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in accepting members' share deposits in cooperatives that are organized to offer consumer loans to their members. These institutions are not chartered by the federal government.

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing credit by issuing credit cards. Credit card issuance provides the funds required to purchase goods and services in return for payment of the full balance or payments on an installment basis. Credit card banks are included in this industry.

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in sales financing or sales financing in combination with leasing. Sales financing establishments are primarily engaged in lending money for the purpose of providing collateralized goods through a contractual installment loan sales agreement, either directly from or through arrangements with dealers.

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in lending funds with real estate as collateral.

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing one or more of the following: (1) working capital funds to U.S. exporters; (2) lending funds to foreign buyers of U.S. goods; and/or (3) lending funds to domestic buyers of imported goods.

This U.S. Census Bureau NAICS-based industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing credit or capital to businesses and other organizations for intermediate and long-term periods (more than one year). Included here are non-depository industrial banks and non-depository Morris plans.

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing commercial-type and industrial-type machinery and equipment. The types of establishments included in this industry group are generally involved in providing capital or investment-type equipment that clients use in their business operations. These establishments typically cater to a business clientele and do not generally operate a retail-like or store-front facility.